no!no! PRO Hair Removal System Review

The no!no! PRO Hair Removal Device, developed by Radiancy, is a home long-term hair removal device that has been doctor recommended and clinically-proven to provide users with safe and effective hair removal from the privacy and comfort of their own home.  Unlike other home permanent hair removal solutions, the no!no! PRO has been cleared for use on all skin tones and hair colors.

nonoPRO3 Pink and nonoPRO3 Turquoise Hair Removal Device

Product Overview

The nono PRO Hair Removal System by Radiancy is a doctor-recommended, clinically proven long-term hair removal device that can safely be used from the comfort and safety of the user’s own home.  With its compact size and convenient carrying ability, it can also easily be used at the office, or while traveling.  The device runs on a rechargeable battery, making it extremely convenient to use.  Also, because of its ease of use, users can complete a hair removal session much faster than many other long-term hair removal alternatives.

When comparing the nono PRO vs. nono original devices, the nono PRO is slimmer, and allows for a more comfortable grip while using the device.  Additionally, this slimmer, sleeker design also helps make the device easier to use in narrow locations, such as the bikini area.  The device has an easy-to-read status screen that informs users of the status of the replaceable Thermicon tips, as well as the current charge of the device’s battery.  It also lets users know what treatment level they are currently using.
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How To Use

As a rule, the nono by Radiancy hair removal devices have all been designed to be simple to use.  The nono PRO is no exception to this rule.  The device features bright blue and red lights that indicate when the device is being used properly or improperly.

Prior to using the nono PRO, ensure that the hair on the area to be treated is between 1 and 3 mm in length.  This is about the length of a few days of hair growth after shaving.


1)      Clean the skin, and ensure that it is dry.

2)      Choose the appropriate Thermicon tip.  Choose the included wide Thermicon tip for larger areas like the chest, back, arms, or legs, or the narrow Thermicon tip for smaller or sensitive areas like the bikini line or the face.

3)      Glide the appropriate Thermicon tip over the skin in a smooth, straight motion.  The device  should be held perpendicularly to the surface of the skin throughout the duration of treatment.  If the device is being used properly, the blue light will glow.  When used improperly, the red light will glow, and the device will automatically turn off.

4)      Many parts of the body will need to be treated several times.  However, users should not perform more than four passes over a given area during a treatment session.

5)      After a treatment session has been performed, use the included buffer to exfoliate the skin treated to remove any remnants of hair that may be remaining.

6)      Clean the Thermicon tips that were used during treatment.

To ensure that the device can be used properly for the course of treatment, users should ensure that their Thermicon tips have been cleaned.  Cleaning the tips regularly will help prevent the nono PRO from malfunctioning, and from burning out prematurely.  For information about How to Clean the Thermicon tips, see below:

1)      Turn off the nono PRO device.

2)      Remove the Thermicon tip that was utilized during treatment.

3)      Gently brush the Thermicon tip clean.
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Duration of Treatment

Because of its upgraded Pulsed Thermicon technology, the nono PRO can provide better results than any previous models of the nono before it.  This means that the device can remove more hair in less time.  Although the device typically delivers results faster than previous models, there can still be some variability between users for the duration of a course of treatment.

A treatment with the nono Hair PRO should be performed once per week for about six weeks.  After this, reviews show that maintenance treatments may be required sporadically.  Because of the way the nono PRO works, treatment may be shorter or longer in duration than six weeks.  More information about how the Pulsed Thermicon technology works is included below, in the Technology section of this article.
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Who Can Use

Unlike other long-term hair removal solutions like electrolysis or laser treatments, the nono PRO is safe for all skin colors.  This means that naturally dark-skinned individuals can get effective long-lasting hair removal results safely and effectively.  Additionally, the nono also works well on coarse or fine hairs, and even blond, red, white, and gray hairs.  The nono PRO works by generating its own heat that is delivered into the hair follicle.  Light-based permanent hair removal solutions use pigments within the hair to heat the follicle.  This is what makes it unsafe for use on those with dark skin, and ineffective on hairs that lack this particular pigment.
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Parts of the Body That Can Be Treated

The nono PRO is a safe and effective hair removal device that can be used on just about all parts of the body.  The chest, back, neck, arms, and legs can all be safely treated using the included wide Thermicon tip.  Various parts of the face (including the upper lip, shin, and sideburns), the bikini area, and other sensitive areas can be treated using the included narrow Thermicon tip.  The nono PRO is not safe for use on the breasts (around the nipples), or the genitals.  These areas tend to have much more sensitive skin.
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Safety Features

Because of the technology of the nono PRO, the device can safely be used by many individuals without the risk of adverse side effects.  One safety feature, however, is the presence of five different treatment levels of the nono PRO.  This helps ensure that all users are provided with the most comfortable and personalized treatment possible.
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Side Effects

There have been no wide-spread reports of side effects from those who use the nono PRO properly.  This is a completely unique characteristic of the nono PRO compared to other permanent hair removal solutions.  With the nono PRO, users do not have to worry about skin discolorations, skin reddening, skin irritation, cuts, nicks, pulling, scraping, ingrown hairs, or burns.
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Replacement Parts

The nono PRO uses various Thermicon tips that may have to be replaced periodically for proper treatment.  It is clear when these nono replacement tips should be utilized, as the nono’s Status Screen will indicate when they are ready to be removed.  The Thermicon tips should be replaced when:

  • The Status Screen for the Thermicon tip is blank
  • The Thermicon tip icon flickers
  • The Thermicon tip is no longer working effectively
  • The wire of the Thermicon tip is damaged in any way

Thermicon Tips and Buffer

Replacement Thermicon tips and Exfoliating Buffer

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The nono PRO uses similar technology to that of previous nono devices.  However, the new development is the advent of Pulsed Thermicon technology, also based on the principles of thermal transference.  Using gentle pulses of heat that are transferred to the hair’s root allows the device to disable the growth of the hair for long-term hair removal results.  Additionally, the pulsed technology of the new nono PRO device allows it to deliver 35% more energy to the hair than previous models, allowing it to remove more hair in less time.

The Pulsed Thermicon technology of the nono PRO does not use electrolysis like many other home hahir removal systems.  Instead, the nono uses a patented thermodynamic wire to heat to the hair.  Because of this, multiple hairs can be treated at a time, allowing for faster treatment times when compare to electrolysis and laser hair removal treatments.  Another benefit ofo using the nono vs. laser hair removal treatments is the fact that the nono can be used for all skin tones, hair colors, and hair types.  Blond hairs, red hairs, gray hairs, white hairs, and fine or coarse hairs can all be treated with the Pulsed Thermicon technology found in the nono PRO.

Much like other home permanent hair removal solutions, however, the nono PRO requires multiple treatments before completely results can be realized.  To understand why this is the case with these products, it is important to understand how hair grows.

Hair goes through three distinct phases of growth: The Anagen Phase, the Catagen Phase, and the Telogen Phase.  The Anagen phase of hair growth is the active growth phase.  During this stage of growth, the root of the hair is connected to its follicle, and hair growth is occurring.  The Catagen phase of growth is a transitional phase of hair growth in which the hair beings to pull away from the root.  The growth of the hair slows, and eventually ceases altogether.  The Telogen phase is most commonly referred to as the resting phase of growth.  The shaft and the root of the hair are now completely separated, and no hair growth is occurring.

Permanent hair removal results when hairs are treated in their Anagen phase.  Although hairs in the other two phases of growth will be removed, they will return.  Anagen phase hairs, on the other hand, will not grow back.  This is why multiple treatments are typically required over a period of several weeks.  Not all hairs on the body are in the same phase at the same time.  Not until all hairs in the treatment area have been treated during the Anagen phase will complete, permanent hair removal results be realized.
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Before and After Photos

If you have any Before and After photos you would like to share with other potential consumers, feel free to send them to
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The cost of the nono PRO is around $290, plus the cost of shipping.  However, Radiancy allows customers to purchase the device with three payments of $96.65.  This includes the nono PRO3, 1 Narrow Thermicon tip, 1 Wide Thermicon tip, 1 Buffer, 1 Cleaning Brush, a Charger, a Quick Guide, a CD User Manual, and a One Year Manufacturer’s Warranty.  Additionally, the device is sold with a 100% Risk-Free 60 Day Free Trial to ensure that consumers get the hair removal results they want before they commit to purchasing it.  The nono PRO3 is available in Pink or Turquoise.

The nono PRO5 is available in Chrome, and is costs $310.

nono PRO5 Model, Chrome

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