Tanda Zap Acne Clearing Device Product Review

The Tanda Zap Acne Clearing Device is an advanced acne treatment system that is designed to eliminate existing acne blemishes much more quickly than topical products. It uses blue LED light to not only eliminate existing blemishes, but prevent acne breakouts from occurring in the future, as well.


TandaZAP Device

Product Overview

The Tanda Zap Acne Clearing Device is a hand-held beauty tool for clearing mild to moderate acne blemishes quickly in the comfort of the user’s home. It is clinically proven to reduce or resolve acne blemishes in 24 hours with three two-minute treatments.  It uses a combination of three elements—non-UV blue LED light, vibration, and warmth—to treat blemishes caused by P. acne bacteria.

With the Tanda Zap Acne Clearing Device, users can replace lotions and other topical treatments, in addition to trips to the dermatologist’s office. There is no pain, irritation, or dryness, like with topical formulation anti-acne treatments, with the use of the Tanda Zap.


The Tanda Zap Acne Clearing Device comes in white, pink, blue, or zebra print. Users appreciate its pocket size, which makes it easy to stow in a purse, backpack, or travel kit for ready use.  Utilizing the Tanda Zap Acne Clearing Device as recommended will not only treat existing blemishes but will prevent future breakouts as well. The Tanda Zap is indicated for use in wide range of people of all ages and skin types.

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How to Use

1. The Tanda Zap Acne Clearing Device is extremely simple to use.

2. Begin with a clean, dry face. Make sure to remove all makeup and any light-reflecting lotions.

3. Press the orange power button. This activates the blue LED light technology.

4. Place over a blemish and hold there until the unit stops vibrating (about two minutes). Users will likely feel warmth on the area being treated.

5. Repeat 2-3 times per day.

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Duration of Treatment

The Tanda Zap Acne Clearing Device is designed to significantly reduce or resolve acne pimples in 24 hours when used according to the directions (2-3 times per day). Some users report almost immediate reduction in the size and discomfort of their blemishes. This is corroborated by clinical studies that show a reduction in P. acne bacterial colonies with application of the Tanda Zap’s blue LED light.

Clinical studies also demonstrated that 87% of lesions showed either resolution or general improvement following three two-minute applications of the Tanda Zap Acne Clearing Device over 24 hours. Lesions that do not respond in the 24-hour time period may be caused by other infective or inflammatory mechanisms besides P. acne that are not affected by the Tanda Zap’s blue LED light technology (see below).

Users who utilize the Tanda Zap to treat deeper cystic pimples report some initial relief but recommend continuing to use the device longer than 24 hours to see complete resolution of these blemishes.

Owners of the Tanda Zap also suggest employing the tool immediately upon noticing the start of a breakout. This reduces the amount of time necessary to resolve the blemish.

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Who Can Use

The Tanda Zap Acne Clearing Device can be used by teens and adults, both male and female. The device can be used by people of all skin types and tones. As the Tanda Zap works by eliminating blemish-causing P. acne, it is effective for treating breakouts on users of all ages, including middle-aged users experiencing hormone-related acne due to perimenopause or menopause.

The Tanda Zap Acne Clearing Device is intended for use on mild to moderate acne in small areas covered by the face of the tool (about the size of a nickel). Users with large areas of acne or severe acne should consult a dermatologist about alternative treatments.

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Parts of the Body

The instructions for the Tanda Zap Acne Clearing Device provided by the manufacturer show its use on the face. Many owners report using it successfully on the neck, chest, and back. There are no precautions issued by the manufacturer for use on areas other than the face and no statements that it must specifically be used on the face.

If users experience discomfort applying  the Tanda Zap in any areas, including the face, they should discontinue its use immediately. Users who are unsure about employing the Tanda Zap on other body parts besides the face should consult the manufacturer or their dermatologists.

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Safety Features

The Tanda Zap Acne Clearing Device is FDA-cleared for treating mild to moderate acne. It has several safety features, including a contact sensor, a temperature sensor, and an automatic shut-off mechanism.

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Side Effects

Users experience no significant side effects with the Tanda Zap Acne Clearing Device. Some users report a warm feeling on the area being treated, which is a normal part of the treatment process and indicates the tool is working. There is no risk to the eyes with the Tanda Zap, and safety goggles do not need to be worn while using it.

Some users of color report a temporary darkening in the spot where the device is applied that resolves about an hour after use. The Tanda Zap uses no UV light, and this effect cannot be attributed to UV exposure. Users who experience this effect are advised to contact their dermatologists and/or the device manufacturer.

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Replacement Parts

The only part that needs replacing with the Tanda Zap Acne Clearing Device is the batteries. The unit uses three AAA batteries at once (three come with the unit at the time of purchase). Owners of the device report needing to replace the batteries after approximately 50 uses. This represents one-twentieth of the unit’s overall treatment life. Users therefore recommend installing rechargeable or longer lasting lithium batteries.

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The Tanda Zap Acne Clearing Device uses blue LED light, which is a non-UV light source, to clear blemishes. The 414 nm wavelength light, the same technology used by dermatologists for decades, causes oxygen to attach to the P. acne bacteria, which then causes it to self-destruct. By eliminating bacteria, the Tanda Zap helps prevent future acne breakouts, as well as current ones, at the same location.

The Tanda Zap also utilizes vibration, which increases circulation on a microscopic level, and warming, which opens pores, allowing more light to reach blemish-causing bacteria and speed healing.

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Before and After Photos

If you have any Tanda Zap Before and After photos you would like to share with other potential consumers, please submit them to admin@youreviewit.com.

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The Tanda Zap Acne Clearing Device costs between $29 and $49, depending on the retailer.
